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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  July 6, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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good afternoon, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lawson muse, for a record nine days now, our official temperature has been 95 degrees or higher. it's been especially difficult for anybody without power to run air conditioning. doug kammerer kicks off our team coverage from the storm center. >> is the numbers say it all. once again, 98 degrees the current temperature. dew point right now is 60. that's very good, because take a look at the humidity, only 28% right here at the airport, so heat index is the same as the temperature, so a lot of people not dealing with much of a heat index today. that's why the heat advisory was dropped for areas around the district a little earlier this afternoon. but still very hot outside with the temperature of 98 degrees. it is 99 in la plata, 99 in frederick, many of you are still dealing with the heat index. 100 down towards la plata, 103,
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105 in culpepper, and 100 down toward fredericksburg. we'll be even hotter tomorrow. melissa mollet is live with more on how people continue to cope with the heat. >> reporter: that's right. how are you doing, doug? it's pretty warm out here right now. i have to stay we're standing in the shade, which does help. at least if i have to be out in the scorching heat, i have a gorgeous view. of course, it's been a week where you don't even have to look too funny holding an umbrella with no rain falling down or you tote water everywhere you go. basically folks are trying to beat the heat, in alexandria these kids were at a water park splashing in the wave. in the district we found people tending that you are community garden early this morning before temps got too hot. we know, of course, how dangerous this heat can be, some folks opting to work out inside
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this week instead of outside. >> what i've tried to do is come inside to work out, because i know heat exhaustion is nothing to fool around with. this year the weather has been unpredictable through the winter, spring and now the summer. i found out working out inside is just better for me. >> reporter: you know, whenever the temperatures spike like this, we see an increase of people going to emergency rooms with heat-related illnesses. you know, so as far as we've had ten heat-related deaths in virginia, and eight in maryland. so it's really important to remember to try and stay cool and hydrated. doug? >> tomorrow melissa action it will be even warmer. we have an heat advisory earlier today, now an excessive heat warning for tomorrow. that's the area in that brighter shade of red. that includes everybody along the i-95 cordon. 9 many areas could see a heat
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index above 110, and i think we could break the daily report tomorrow in washington, that report is set at 102 degrees. and then i'll show you something everybody wants to see. when we may finally see a break. >> seven days after the storm and utility crews are making problem. pepco reports just over 4,600 customers without electricity. dominion has more than 700. bge reports fewer than 3,000 customers in an novec and smeco says all power is restored. news4's megan mcgrath reports from chevy chase.
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>> this thing has been this way for a week. we have another refrigerator in the garage with the same thing. >> reporter: spoiled food and no air conditioning. seven long days without power. david leavitt and his names are among the unlucky who are still in the dark. >> it's been 90 to 100. we've had no lights. we've lost $500 worth of frozen food. finally after the fifth night i had to send my family to a hotel. >> reporter: while his family has found relief, he is wetting it out at home take care of their 15-yard dog schiffa, who's encircled by fans. >> this is the worst set of days that we've experienced. >> reporter: 98% of pepco customers have had their power restored, but there are small pockets like sycamore and beechwood drive that are still off-line. >> it hasn't been much fun, but we've done the best we can.
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>> reporter: what are you doing? >> actually we have relatives in the area, so some of us who live here have gone to that house, but i stayed here with one of my kids just to -- just to hunker down and do the best we can. >> reporter: if you are still without power, pepco says it's critical to continue to report your outage, so they know where to send the crews. >> we need them to keep calling us bulk to re-report their outage. as we work our way back into neighborhoods, they need to keep calling, three, four times a day. >> reporter: while pepco continues to make progress, they say it still could be sunday evening before they get all of their customers back online. in chevy chase, meg been mcgrath, news4. we're not the only ones suffering. the sweltering temperatures are causing big problems for millions of americans, some of 24e78 could be feeling the effects long after the weather cools. nbc's chris palone has the
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story. >> it's useless to harvest this. >> reporter: this illinois farmer has been watching his profits writer away as the state has been trapped in a heat wave which has left desert-like conditions. >> by now this corn sheer eight feet tall, have an ear set, should look nice and lush. >> reporter: ned he has more than $300,000 in lost profits. >> we've been expecting a dry year somewhere along the line, but this year it's worse than expected. >> reporter: in indiana, a chocolate shop is closed because the struggling air conditioner can't keep the candy from being a gooey mess. >> if it's 100 degrees, the air conditioning can't keep up. >> reporter: at least three have died in st. louis, two in chicago. and authorities are looking into other deaths that might be heat heat-headed. >> we are the busiest we have ever been and don't see any end
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in sight. >> reporter: the national weather service sis the heat wave should break by the end of the weekend, but for many it may be too little too late. we now know more about what led to a bizarre please-solved shooting, chase and crash, police say a woman living on lakeland road called just before 10:30. she told the dispatcher she thought her son was high on pcp and he was threatening the family. the man in question allegedly walked his mother out of the house at gunpoint and exchanged gunfire with a police officer outside. police say the man took his pants off, struggled with officers and eventually got behind the wheel of a cruiser. he crashed into a brick wall on the outside of a nearby mcdonald's. we'll have more at 5:00. new evidence that our economic recovery is slow. the jobs report for june shows
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another month of disappointing growth. mitt romney blamed the president, but the president was in ohio, a state doing better than most. he took credit for the comeback there. steve handelsman reports. >> reporter: continuing his tour of ohio, president obama came to a restaurant in akron around the time the bad news came in on u.s. jobs in the month of june. just 80,000 new hires. the third straight month of weak hiring. unemployment stuck at 8.2%, but at a rally, the president looked on the bright side. half a million manufacturing jobs in states like ohio have been regained. >> that's a step in the right direction. that's a step in the right direction. but we can't be satisfied, because our goal was never to just keep on working together back to where we were back in 2007. >> reporter: mitt romney was in
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new hampshire. >> the president's policies have not gotten america working again, and the president's going to have to stand of automatic take respond for it. >> reporter: romney says he would cut taxes and regulation to encourage hiring. >> finally having a health care plan that focuses on bringing down the cost, not adding new expenses and new taxes to the american people. >> reporter: bulk in ohio, the president toured a plant that makes pasta sauce, and noted he's cut taxes $3600 on middle-class family, and no one pays a health care penalty tax if they buy coverage instead of refusing to. since the supreme court ruled it constitutional, p.m.'s got from barrelly mentioning the health care law to bragging about it. i'm steve handelsman, news4. the price of rending an apartment in the d.c. area is going up. "forbes" reports that a one-bedroom unit rents for just
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above $1400 on average nationwide. in addition, the vacancy rate has dropped to a ten-year low here. analysts say the spike is not likely to stop anytime soon, because many people are opting to rent instead of buy. landlords see the tight market as a reason to raise prices. you're bound to run into some delays if you plan to take metro this weekend. stations are closed on three of the system's five lines. on the orange line buses will replace trains between stadium armory and new carrollton. on the blue line, buses will run between stadium armory and bening road. on the red line, buses will replace trains between brookland cua and silver spring. there's also single tracking on the green line. all the work starts at 10:00 tonight and should be done by monday morning. we're just getting started. when we come back, the man accused of shooting stray von
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marting in florida gets out of jail today on bail. a crook pays the price for breaks into p. diddy's house. how about a divorce in just three days? we'll tell you where. keep walking. keep walking. and new jersey's governor goes off on a man who shouts a nasty remark at him.
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you're a real big shot. >> you're a real big shot. >> you're shooting your mouth off. keep walking away. keep walking. keep walking. >> mr. governor? mr. governor? >> tempers flared last night at the jersey shore, had nothing to do with snooki or the situation. tmz object stained that video of a heated back-and-forth on the boardwalk. according to the site, christie had just gotten an ice cream cone, when a man criticized the
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policy and walked off. christie recently sinds legislation to expand funding for he recently called a reporter stupid and an idiot for asking off-topic questions at a press conference. a woman pleaded guilty today to smashing a window at "the x factor" judge simon cowell's mansion. this happened in march at his west london home. prosecutors said he was watching tv in hi bedroom when he found a loud bang. he reportedly found the woman in his bathroom with a brick. the judge wand she'll go to prison if she tries to warning cowell or goes within 300 yards of his house again. diddy combs loving interacting, but a man has gotten too close for conversation. he was sensed for breaking into combs' east hampton mansion and
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living there for a day back in april. he said he drank liquor, smoked cigars and slept in his bed. he hoped to stay at the house for several days. this isn't the first time taylor was arrested at the home. he was arrested at the home back in june of '01. the highest level of knighthood was bestowed by his grandmother. >> the royal family was on hand to witness the ceremony in scotland. michelle kosinski reports. >> reporter: you can always tell the important of an occasion by how fancy the hats and ceremonial robes. yes, this is a big one, set to drums in the scottish mist, the queen and dignitaries referent. it was prince william being made a knight in the most ancient and order of the thistle. kate, carrying a tar tan scarf, her care twisted and curled to
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match her hat. >> it seems he's stepping up his royal duties, and i think it shows the way for the future. >> reporter: scotland, despite a movement to try to leave the united kingdom, has alwaysment of much to the queen and the family. prince wrm is also in the order of the garter, around since the 1300s, but he's also in a modern-day order called the air force. the royal watchers say he may kneel to scale back sometime soon to focus more on his royal duties. back to you. well, we all hear horror stories about costly, nasty divorces, but now there's a new hotel helping unhappy couples move on quickly. divorce hotel opened in the netherlands about a year ago. the website says it can put an end to your marriage in just three days. clients arrive with tear lawyer on friday. by sunday the marriage is over and everybody is checking out.
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so far divorce hotel has helped facilitate 17 divorces. the company's ceo says he started the business to help people quickly end the emotional divorce process. >> you see in the world everybody with divorces is focused on the negativity, and of course it's still any difficult, but you should go on with your life. that's what we do here. >> he says they're planning to open divorce hotels in italy, spain and germany. there's even talk of a reality show. today people from all walks of life all across our region are headed to alexandria for a hug. indian spiritual leader ima is at the hilton hotel. she's known as the hugging saint and known for her spiritual programs all over the world. she given an estimated 30 million hugs to transmit what she calls the purest form of love. this hugging saint will be in
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alexandria tomorrow as well. news4 paid a visit. that story is coming up at 5:00. coming up next on "news4 at 4," if your family or pets have plans to be outside in the days to come and weeks to come, there's something you need to know about a growing number of snakes. and how a church member punched his former priest and got away with it in court.
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let's talk about records. >> let's talk about records. we're going to be setting records today, tomorrow, and on sunday. it's all the same record, record heat wave. eight days yet. nine consecutive days with 95 degrees or higher, and we'll continue to get warmer out there over the next couple days. tomorrow i think we could set a daily record. you don't like to here we could be at 100, but 103? yeah, not many people exactly happy about that. here's the one piece of good news. it's fairly dry outside right now, especially around the washington, d.c. area. right now 98 degrees is the currenttemperature, but only
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28% humidity. we're not talking about any kind of heat index, but still 98 is on the hot side. with winds out of the south, i think we'll see that dew point come up. here's the record heat wave. nine days in a row, and i think it will be 11 by sunday if we're able to get to 95 on sunday. tomorrow we won't have a problem. sunday i think we will get there. there's been three times when we've had eight-day streaks, but never a nine-day streak. it does look like we could get to 10 and 11. look at the numbers. many of you are dealing with the heat index. and aber doone 104. once again, not much in the heat index, but many are still
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dealing with heat index. and tomorrow i think many of us will not only be around 100 to 105, maybe 110 to 115. very similar to where we were last friday. storm4 radar, no rain to speak of. once again we do need to see some rain. the lawns not looking too good. there's no rain anywhere until you get well down to our south and west. that's about it. this evening still hot, more humid, temperatures will be falling down with light winds. tomorrow morning, mostly clear, warm and muggy. temperatures 73 to 82 degrees, in extremely warm night tonight, and extremely warping morning. that sets us up for this, very hot and humid with record heat. a warning in effect for just about everybody out there, with actual temperatures between 99 and 104. the next couple days here is the relief that we have all been
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waiting for. 97 on sunday, then 86 on monday, 84 on tuesday, with i think a good chance of rain over the next couple days. i think we stay in the 80 as all week. we've talked about this before, too, anytime you're this hot, it takes something big to break up the heat, so it could be severe weather. we've be watching closely. when we come back, the man accused in the tray von martin murder or killing makes a bail after an online appeal for donations. and increasingly turning to social media to solve crimes. before copd...
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i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function,
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starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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welcome back. i'm pat lawson muse. >> and i'm jim handly. an accused gunman is in the hospital this evening after a bizarre struggle with police in college park. he's identified as andre mccoy. his mother called 911, saying her son was high on pcp. police say mccoy exchanged fire with police twice, then took off in an empty police cruiser, and crashed it nearby. he faces several charges. we'll have a live report on the story tonight at 5:00. the electric companies are
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making progress. thousands of people in our area are without air kinning nearly a week after the storm. most of those are pepco customers. pepco says keep on calling so they know exactly where to send those crews. utilities hope to have the power restored for everyone this weekend. the new jobs report showed that employers added only 80 thousands new jobs in june. mitt romney cad it another kick in the gut to the middle class. president obama noted that businesses have created nearly 4.5 million new jobs in the past 28 months. he said he won't be satisfied until middle-class families are better off than they were when the finance meltdown began in '07. that disappointing reports sent stocks tumbling. the nasdaq fell 39 points, and the s&p end the the day 13 points lower.
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just a day after his bail was set at $1 million, george zimmerman is out of jail. he was released just about an hour ago. jay gray has the new develops now from sanford, florida. >> this afternoon for the second time, george zimmerman walked out of the seminole county justice center. we now have a better idea of where the community watch volunteer who shot and killed tray von martin might go. in a stern ruling from judge kenneth lester setting the new bond, he wrote -- circumstances indicate the defendant was preparing to flee, but as a result zimmerman will not be allowed to leave without authorization. his lawyers say a security team has identified a safe house in the county where zimmerman will stay, quote, until a more permanent secure location can be established. analysts wonder the bigger
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problem might be what the last few weeks have done to his legal case. >> the court on paper has said he's manipulated the system action and the fact that mr. zimmerman's compromised his credibility this way has put a big strange on his defense. >> reporter: credibility martin's parents have questioned. questions that both the defense and judge have said could have a huge impact on anyself defense plea in this highly emotional case. jay agree, nbc news. a california man admitted punching a priest in a retirement, but a jury has voted not to convict him. william lynch claims the priest sexually abused him and his brother when they were children. the priest jerry lindner testified during the trial and denied ever abusing him. he was charged with felony assault and elder abuse. he said he was wrong, but was trying to get the priest to admit what he did. >> trying to come clean, tell the truth, i wanted to bring this out and bring attention to
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the cause, but i also wanted to take responsibility and be accountable, unlike the church and father jerry. >> reporter: the jury acquitted lynch on all but one charge. the judge clair a mistrial on that counts. in 1998, the catholic church settled a civil lawsuit with lynch and his brother for $600,000. social media web sites are a great way to find old friends, and now police are using them to connect with criminals. the same sites are now being used to fight crime. nbc's pete williams has our story. >> reporter: sheriff deputies in hill borough county, florida, wanted to find a man who stole a canned drink and used it to attack a clerk. so they posted the surveillance video on youtube. someone called in a tip, one two days he was arrested, and has since pleaded guilty. in akron, ohio, police wanted to know who was using stolen credit
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cards, so they posted this surveillance video hoping to generate tips. it's part of a growing trend, police expanding their reach to assist in their investigations. please in montgomery county maryland posted this video of a flash mob robbing a convenience store and viewers helped identify who was involved. investigators say it's not just faces that can be recognized. >> it also helps because you can see the person move, how he walks. sometimes that i a casualty stick that i identifiable to some people. >> reporter: in fib, please put this video on yout just two days after it was posted investigators got a tip that led to an arrest. a survey by the international association of chiefs of police shows that nearly 90% of the nation's law enforcement agencies use social media of some kind to seek public help. many agencies have set up utalk
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sites obvious -- in prince georges county, maryland, police also use youtube as their own channel to reach people directly with official information. >> we'll put an entire news confers on utoby to include surveillance video or mug shots along with the interviews from the various police officials, to the information is getting out to the public. there is more to come on news4 at 4:00. if you have plans to be outdoors, snake bites are on the rise. we'll tell you why. >> thanks but no thanks, the lifeguards firing for helping save a life, say they won't be going back to their old jobs. ♪ ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] everyone likes a bit of order in their life. virtual wallet helps you get it. keep track of spending, move money with a slide, and use the calendar. all to see your money how you want. ♪
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cheyenne woods, tiger's niece, just turned pro. she's competing in the u.s. women's open. cheyenne shot 3 over par in round 1 yet and is six strokes off the lead. this is the first time she qualified for a pro tournament. if you have outdoor plans in the days to come, be careful where you step. snake bites are on the increase from coast to coast. they've been blamed for two deaths so far, one in tennessee and another in west virginia this year. in georgia at least 185 incidents have been reported so
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far. folks in california reported 84 in just the last three months. zoo officials say we don't hear much about these kinds of incidents, but you need to be aware this is a growing problem. >> i think it all relates to the very nice winter we had, very moderate winner, wasn't cold enough for them to go into hibernation for a long period of time. >> experts say you should head to the hospital immediately if you are bitting. don't try to suck the venom out of the wound. enough to make you walk your head down all the time. >> yes, and keep your pant legs down, too. coming up on "news4 at 4" we're paying less per gallon of gas. will this downward trend continue. how some drivers aren't taking the lower prices for granted. this horse is using of mower lives.
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we know the heat's been really uncomfortable for a lot of folks, especially those who don't have their air bad, but it's also been deadly. it's been responsible for 40 deaths. >> and in our area alone, nearly half of them, ten in virginia, nine in maryland, you know we've been talking numbers all week. you have about records, and those are the most sobering statistics. it is dangry out there. >> extremely dangerous. the number one category is the elderly. you have to check on them, they're at home, inside, don't have the air conditions. just go over, knock on the door, make sure they're okay. a lot of times they don't even turn on the fans. it's gone on time and time again. something else, make sure you bring in your pets. your pets also cannot deal with the heat the same way we can.
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make sure they're drinking plenty of water. and your kids, too, they're knoll always tell you how hot they were getting, so make sure they will be on the hydrated side as well. tomorrow, guys, will probably be one of the most dangerous days that we've had. the biggest thing about this is we're not cooling down at night. temperatures early this morning, 81 degrees. i think we could set another record tonight for our record high maximum or record high/low, if you can understand that. i think it will be around 823 tonight, so, again, talking about very warm temperatures. we're not getting much relief. 98 degrees the current temperature. winds out of the south at 8 miles an hour. i think the winds will bring up the humidity a bit rockville coming in at 100 degrees, 99 in college park, 97 in camp springs. and right now 98 out towards
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dulles. take a look he heat index right now. that's the kind of number we could see for just about everybody tomorrow. nothing to show you on the radar. we'll be all dry star things are concerned. 78 degrees overnight in gaithersburg. 82, that's the overnight low. again our average high is 88. we're going 82 overnight, so once again, just not a lot of time to cool as you make your way out and about this evening. the humidity will be higher tomorrow. that's why we could have a heat
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index above 110. everybody you see here in the reddish color that's an excessive heat warning. the areas in winchester, that's an excessive heat watch and height advisory off to the west. it's heat, heat and more heat. the good news, we will see a little relief. you may get a bit along the bay bridge. then things cool off a bit. there were be some big storms, you want to make sure you're paying attention to the radar. here comes the relief. temperatures in the 80s next week. i think we'll so see a good chance for meaningful and beneficial rain coming up late, sunday, monday, into the day on tuesday. we need cooler temperatures. we need rain. mother nature says, hey, i'll finally -- >> nice to know relief is on the way. >> exactly. gas prices are starting to creep up against after weeks of big dropping. >> even better news is we're still paying about 20 cents less
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per gallon. aaa reports a gallon of regular gas is being for about $3.49 in the district, 3.ha in maryland and 3.17 in virginia. nbc's bob hansen shows us what to expect in the next few weeks. >> reporter: the price of gas is lower than in months. >> i try to be more conservative about meyer rand running and whatnot, try to take the bicycle, walk to and from the local establishments. >> it hurts the pocket when you've got $4 -- even $3.50 gas prices do hurt the pocket. >> i'm still going to buy 20 gallons, and try to buy it from the cheapest station. >> usually we see gas prices start to go up before july 4th, and sometimes we see a pretty
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significant spike. what we have seen is almost a 50 cent drop. >> lifestyles may be changing and drivers are cutting back. >> well, on the one hand it's good news, because gas prices are going down. on the other hand it does suggest an anaeem ececonomic recovery where people just aren't spending on gloos. not only does a lack of demand affect it, but there could be something else keeping prices down. politics. >> typically in an election year, we see prices go down. for whatever reason prices almost a also go down in a presidential election. so we can probably expect lower prices for a few more months. >> reporter: when you see it coming down like it's been? >> yippee, you know, just less i have to salesmpend on transport. >> i think that speaks well for
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the concerteder on our motorists trying to send a message that this can't be tolerated. >> reporter: our supply of fuel is still low, and a problem at a major oil refinery or threat to the supply overseas, and all this could change oversight, sending the price at the pump skyrocketing once again. this is now about 20 cents cheaper than this time last year. >> that's a good thing. how sales are exploding for one farm family air their innovative way to move a bumper crop of melons. coming up at 5:00, we're getting a first look at some of the damage done at arlington national cemetery after the storm. and how former president bush celebrated his birthday. coming up at 6:00, more than 100 people have to find a new place to live, and the huge fire could have
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before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms.
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with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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this 1500-pound horse needed rescuing not once, but twice in one day. the 27-year-old draft horse is named katie. katie got stuck in a well in oregon on tuesday. it took 16 firefighters to pull her out. they moved her to another field where, after a few hours after
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the first rescue she got stuck in mud, deep mud. the owner was worried that katie suffered nerve damage, but fortunately she walked away with a few scrapes and scratches. a texas farmer with a shotgun shooting up his own watermelons. here's the story. the farmer had too many melons that weren't selling fast enough. they were getting too large, to ripe too eat. he posted video of the explode g in melons. business started booming again. the videos helped save his about is. if you're in need of a big bucket and looking to support a good cause, check out firehouse subs. they're leftover pickle budgets. the proceeds go to first
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responder. restaurant chain started recycling the buckets 2005 and since then donated nearly $4 million for life-saving equipment for first responders. why those lifeguards who were firz are refusing to return to their old jobs. for all your news, follow for all your news, follow news4 online, just s
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chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance.
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geico, see how much you could save.
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that florida lifeguard who was fired for saving a live outside his coverage zone has been offered his job back, but he says he'll pass. nbc's mark potter has the developments on the story which is getting national attention. >> reporter: 21-year-old tomas lopez said he got an apology and had a cordial talk with the lifeguard company, but when he was offered his job back, decided not to take it. >> i prefer not to work with the company. there's no malice or anything -- i'm not upset or new. my only preference. >> reporter: he was asired for leaving the assigned area after a beach-goer told him a man was struggling in the water at a swim at your own risk area. he ran to help the man and when
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he got there other swimmers were pulling the victim out of the water. >> i grabbed from under him. the other guest grabbed him by the feet. >> reporter: when lopez was fired, two other lifeguards were also fired. after telling managers they would have done the same as lopez. in protest, four more lifeguards, including a supervisor and lopez' brother quit. now the company is offering all of them their jobs back, but so far there are no takers. >> no one wants to work for a company who -- their real job is saving lives. >> reporter: jeff ellis and associates is the, and the you said sell he -- >> i think he showed a lot of courage in what he did originally. definitely we would like to have him back to work. i hope he would reconsider again. >> reporter: officials at the beach agree that lopez did exactly what he was supposed to
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do. >> it's always been the city's policy that if there's an emergency, whether in the protected area or outside, that the lifeguard there would respond to it. >> reporter: no surprise here, lopez' mother says she is is very proud of her son for doing the right thing. mark potter reporting there. lopez says he plans to go back to school and may consider another lifeguard job, but with another company. now at 5:00, record-breaking deadly heat. off the top tonight, we have some breaking news we'd like to share with you. we'll get to the heat coming up from doug in just a bit. we're about to break more records, folks. >> indeed there's a way for dieters to keep the weight out when exercise alone doesn't seem to work. >> after a week of extreme heat, people need a free hug around here. good evening, everyone. pinches now to the breaks news.
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report of a train derailment. we have crews on the way to get more information. again reports of a train derailment at the west hyattsville station. now to top off the 5:00 news, the hot talk, the report-breaking heat wave. since june 20th, at least ten people suffered heat-related deaths. no deaths reported in the district, but everything is feeling the heat, and there's no relief in sight this weekend. chief meteorologist doug kammerer joins us with a look at conditions at this hour. >> right now we're sitting at 98 degrees out there across the area. we do have a heat index of 99 humidity has been very low, but that's not the case everywhere. take a look at the numbers.


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